Stephen Fry explores a remarkable story of forgery, sabotage, and audacity by the Dutch Resistance that saved thousands of Jews from Nazi death camps. Focusing on two LGBTQ+ war heroes, Willem Arondeus, an artist and writer, and Frieda Belinfante, a cellist and conductor, who risked their lives to pull off one of the most audacious acts of sabotage in WWII. Why has this incredible story remained largely hidden to the present day?

WINNER Best Documentary Cinematography - European Cinematography Awards

WINNER ACS SILVER Documentary Cinematography

WINNER NZCS SILVER Documentary Cinematography

Director - John Hay

Producer - Julian Scott

Screenwriter - Rik Carmichael

UK 2023 - 76min - Channel 4

Production Company - Atticus Films

Willem and Frieda - with Stephen Fry - DP Mark Lapwood NZCS ACS